How To Get A Referral For Massage

Osmosis is now accepting clients with medical massage referrals for indoor, and outdoor, massage!

Did you know that massage has many health benefits that can help address a wide variety of medical conditions? Have you ever spoken with your doctor … Read the rest

Haiku Winner runner up

Haiku Contest 2018

February is National Haiku Writing month and once again we are hosting a Haiku Competition!

Haiku poems have been an important part of Japanese art dating to the seventh century. This form of poetry, consisting of 17 syllables arranged in
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Osmosis Word Cloud

Osmosis WordleWe recently asked some of our guests to describe Osmosis in one word, and their responses were great. Armed with that information we’ve created a word cloud. This is the visual representation of a group of words where the words … Read the rest

A Field of Hammocks

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA“Build it and they will rest…”

Guests attending our fabulous Bastille Day event on July 14 were the first to see the new addition to Osmosis: our field of hammocks.… Read the rest

Earth Day

Solar collectorsDo you remember the very first Earth Day 41 years ago? What I most remember is my teacher, gardener Alan Chadwick saying, “if we could just take care of the top seven inches of the earth’s surface (i.e. the top … Read the rest