Tag Archive for: raizelah bayen

What’s New at Osmosis? T’ui Na

T'ui Na MassageThis active style of Meridian Massage releases deeply held tension. Combining rocking, compression, stretching and joint mobilization, T’ui Na clears blockages, revitalizes your energy, and opens the joints for great ease in movement. This massage leaves you feeling both relaxed
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Mental-Emotional Benefits of Massage

massage at OsmosisMassage is often viewed as a luxury, a pampering or self-indulgent extravagance. Research shows that while massage is definitely a “feel good” experience, it has numerous mental and emotional benefits linked to neurotransmitters and hormones released through therapeutic touch. Yes, Read the rest

Osmosis Cedar Enzyme Bath

The Osmosis Cedar Enzyme Bath Deepens the Benefits of Massage

The heat in the Enzyme Bath is produced biologically by the activity of microorganisms, which also produce their own electrochemical environment.  When the largest organ of the body, the skin, comes in direct contact with this intense metabolic activity, the Read the rest

13 Therapeutic Benefits of Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage is one of the most common and effective massage therapy modalities. A wonderful combination of light to firm gliding strokes, integrated with stretching and ranging of the joints, it is a process that promotes total relaxation and muscle

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The Power of Touch

 therapeutic touchWhile massage is becoming more recognized for its therapeutic benefits, any kind of touch including a simple handshake, congratulatory pat on the back, or a warm-hearted hug has the power to transform you both physically and emotionally. Touch triggers the
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Tag Archive for: raizelah bayen

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